
Posts Tagged ‘exercises arms’

Finally an exercise video that excites  a couch potato like  me. LA based trainer Jackie Warner has a workout DVD ( One-On One Training with Jackie) that includes a 2o minute upper body workout. After watching it curled up in a chair, I actually got up, grabbed  my 3 pound handweights and joined in.   It starts with a short  but targeted warm-up rather than a looong  warm-ups seen in other exercise programs.   The Warner warm-up  focused on the upper body, stretching  and activating the arms and shoulders.

Warner clearly explains which exercise does what.  The movements are straight forward and even I could follow along.    Rather than the traditional 3 sets of 10 reps,  Warner does each exercise for about a minute — about a total of 45-60 reps.  Its the same number as in standard sets but done continulously for increased intensity.   The pace is fast enough  to be interesting, but  measured enough   to allow me to smoothly finish  each  movement.   There were enough reps in each series to allow me to pick  them up  and get in a true muscle burning  work-out. 

The 20 minute workout included several cardio intervals and one series of pushups.  I skipped both.  My muscles were already burning from the weight training and I wanted to save myself  to concentrate on the arms.   Maybe as the weeks go by, I’ll add  cardio and push-ups, but right now I’m not up to them.

Warner has a clearly defined goal for fitness– a v shaped body with  strong broad shoulders that narrows down to hard abs and a small  waist.  All parts of her exercise program  are designed to work together to  produce this contour.    I like the idea of a comprehensive goal to a workout rather than a seemingly random  series of exercises.The upper body  workout ended as well as it had begun.   The cool down was a short  stretching session that soothed my quivering muscles. 

But will it work?

Last month I took a sobering series of before pix of my not so perfect arms and plan to take another set of pix after a month of doing this 20 minute workout every day. This week I measured  the circumference of my upper arm and will take another measurement at the end of the month long exercise program.  Some experts have said that exercise will shrink and firm the arms while other claim that they will increase in bulk.  We’ll see  who is right.

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Give me a new moisturizer and with five minutes I can decode the ingredients and studies to determine if this  product has the mojo to deliver  promised results.  But when it comes to fitness, I’m still drilling down to  find the same  kind of cause and effect info that will help me choose the right exercises to firm up my arms.

For example, most  articles and books dismiss the fear of bulging muscles, implying that  women  just don’t have  the male hormones to bulk up.  But flipping through books and videos, I can see women  in workout clothes that certainly look chunky and muscle- bound.  Turns out that push-ups which are recommended  by so many trainers, builds up the deltoid muscles ( top of the arms) and the trapezius muscles at the top of the shoulder.  The results?  Bulges rather than a sleek smooth line.  I don’t want to look flabby, but I also don’t want to work so  hard and then look like Popeye.

While I search for  the science behind a beautifu shape, I’m road testing more exercise videos.  This week, I tried The Firm, Upper Body tape that I found for $1  at  the Columbus Avenue Flea Market.  Actually  its a little troubling that  thrift shops  and fleas have such an large selection of discarded exercise tapes and disks.

The Firm  promised  visible results in 10 sessions and I definately like something that has an endpoint.  The instructions were clear and given before the exercises so that they were easy to follow.  As with Winsor Pilates, the warm-up seemed endless.  Over 1o minutes long, by the time it ended, I was tired and my muscles were quivering.  The actual  arms exercises seemed to be textbook moves for upper arm fitness.  The alternating triceps and biceps lifts required  two sets of sixteen reps– pretty standard and good as  far as it went.  But the actual arm work-out lasts less than five  minutes, certainly not enough time  to get buff.  Next, I’m trying out a  totally different approach to fit,  firm arms.  The result  looks smooth and polished rather than lumpy, exactly  what  I want.  We’ll see.

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So here are my  baseline photos.  I’ve done a lot of before photos, but these are definately the worst.  In the top photo I’m wearring  my favorite red dress and with my arms flat on my sides, I look  pretty good.  No bulges or sags.  However  I tend to move my arms to pick up a glass, wave a cab or tie on a scarf and then you can see  where  attention needs to be paid.   In the second picture you can see the wrinkly bits under the arms and the  skin hangs lose where the triceps are invisable.  In the third photo  I am actually trying  to flex my biceps on top and you can see there are no biceps.  The best I can say is that there is much room for improvement.

There are literally hundreds of trainers, books, and videos  that  PROMISE to help you lose weight and  shape-up.  Reputable experts  admit that spot exercises that aim to mold specific areas do not  reduce weight but  build muscle  for a better line.  When I  carried an extra ten pounds I didn’t even try to include weight bearing exercies, since I felt the extra fat would make  spot exercises pretty useless.  Currently I’m a trim size eight so its a perfect time  to test out body shaping. 

In the past my exercise plans started with a shopping trip to buy the right clothes, sneakers and equipment.  Some of the  experts recommend  using a big ball while others  swear  by rubber bands with handles.  Rather than go out for more toys,  this time I’ve decided to  start simply with  the set of three pound weights I already own and   concentrate on my triceps and biceps.  And rather than buying another book or video, I went online and downloaded some free exercises.  Trying to read the exercises, follow the instructions and watching my form in the mirror I managed to clonk myself  on  my forehead or  neck   with almost every  move.  Each move called for 2-3 sets of 10 reps and I kept getting clobbered.  Clearly I needed more  help.  Next I’m going to try  a video so I can follow along.

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